follow me @yudhituela
Most people on twitter want to increase the number of people that follow them.
I currently only have about 170 followers and so gaining 1,000 new followers may seem a little ambitious.
But I am up to the challenge!
Here’s my 10 point plan to get 1,000 new followers this year. (This works out to about 85 new followers per month.)
1. Tweet about new blog posts
Whenever I post something new on my blog I will also tweet about it. This may sound obvious but it’s worth mentioning. If you have great content you need to make sure that it gets tweeted.
2. Tweet More Often
In 2009 I didn’t tweet every day. There were some weeks where I didn’t tweet at all.
I need to change this and make 3 tweets every day.
If every tweet garners me 1 new follower then tweeting 3 times a day should give me 3 new followers each day or over 1,000 followers by the end of the year.
I could tweet more often than 3 times a day but I fear that it will irritate some of my followers.
Since I seldom add new stuff to my blog more than once a day I have made a list of old but valuable blog posts. It is from this list I will pull from to tweet about.
3. Develop a schedule and Tweet at the best times
I have found that some times of the day are far better for tweeting than others. It seems that 9 AM to 5 PM Pacific Time are the best times to tweet.
I don’t really have any strong empirical evidence and I haven’t run numerous controlled experiments. It’s just what I have observed with my own tweets.
So I have developed a schedule to ensure that I tweet about a couple things around 9 AM and again at noon.
Hopefully tweeting at the right times will result in more retweets and more followers for me.
4. Make it easy for visitors to tweet about my site
If you use WordPress there is a simple plug-in that puts a “ReTweet This” button on every blog post. It allows visitors to retweet your post with a click of button. It also displays how many people have tweeted about it.
It’s called Tweetcount and is a free download.
5. Invite people to follow me at the end of each post
When people finish reading a post on my blog they ask themselves, “What should I do now?”
It’s at this point that you should have a link inviting them to follow you on twitter and get more fabulous updates about the topic at hand.
6. Put a link to my twitter account in my e-mail signature
I receive e-mails every day from different people asking me how to get traffic to their website. And I respond to everyone of them
By putting a link to my twitter profile at the bottom of these e-mail responses I can get more followers. I have no idea why I didn’t do this before.
7. Have a contest with the winners being picked for my twitter followers
I’m not sure exactly how I plan to do this but I hope to have it figured out in a few weeks.
The first thing is to find a prize that people actually care about. It has to be something that they would be willing to follow me for the chance to win.
I run a blog about how to get traffic to your website (My blog is called Nick’s Traffic Tricks) and I tweet about things related to traffic generation. So I want to gain followers that are interested in this topic. As a result I want to select a prize that will attract these kind of people.
If I simply give away an iPod I will probably get lots of followers and most will not be interested in what I tweet about. The results will be that I will gain lots of followers in the short run but most of them will eventually drop off.
So the prize I select has to be something that entices the type of followers that I want.
(If you have any suggestions on how to successfully run a contest on twitter please leave a comment below!)
8. Write for TwiTip
I wrote a guest post for TwiTip a month or so ago. That was probably the single best thing I ever did to get more followers on twitter. Within a few days I had 40 new followers.
I’m going to try to write for TwiTip twice a month. This should result in 80 new followers each month.
9. Leverage my email list
I have an e-mail list of over 1,000 people that receive my traffic tips on regular basis. And I plan to leverage this list to get more followers on twitter.
I will add link to my twitter account at the bottom of each e-mail that I send to my list. I just need to think of a way to really entice them to click the link and follow me.
I will also e-mail my list every time I post something new on my blog. At the bottom of each blog post is an invitation to follow me on twitter and that will result in a few more followers.
10. Submit each new blog post to StumbleUpon and OnlyWire
Submitting your website to StumbleUpon and OnlyWire will result in more traffic to your website.
And more traffic means more people are reading your blog posts and seeing your invitation to follow you on twitter.
I’ve personally seen a viral effect with StumbleUpon that increased my twitter following. A couple months ago I posted a fantastic way to get backlinks to your website quickly with little effort. (This was something that my readers loved!)
Without my knowing, many of my readers stumbled the post sending a ton of traffic to my blog. A side effect of this was that there was a jump in the number of people following me on twitter.
If you do nothing else make sure you stumble your content. I believe this is so important that I will actually stumble your content as well.
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