Just be ready to follow these steps!
Get out your pen, your paper, and shut off the cell phone. You DO NOT want to be interrupted while I tell YOU (and don’t share this with your friends) how to get more Twitter followers TODAY!
Get More Twitter Followers TODAY
- Find great stories from other people and share them with a link (and/or attribution). Do this 3 times or more a day!
- Share useful information that others can use, too! example: “I’ve discovered that Blip.fm is very useful for sharing my musical interests.” (Bonus points if you provide the URL).
- Participate in online events that use #hashtags, because others in the event will find you and appreciate you, too!
- Respond to OTHER PEOPLE using the @reply method. This is advanced, so here’s an example: “@glendawh – Is it true you were out all night last night singing karaoke?”
- Use Twitter Search (http://search.twitter.com) to find people talking about the things YOU talk about, and follow them!
- Add your Twitter URL to your signature line in your email! (Easy to do!)
- Don’t overtweet (more than 20 a day is a bit spooky to most people).
- Don’t talk about your food (unless you’re me!)
- Don’t use Twitter like IM (use direct messages for that)
- Don’t tweet all about you: tweet all about them.
- And never, ever, ever invite your friends to be part of your Ninja dojo (unless you’re @cspenn), your mafia family (unless you’re @jgottinotdead), or to participate in a “what type of piercing am I?” quiz.
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