
Get More Twitter Followers TODAY

Yes, that’s right! YOU can have hundreds and hundreds of new Twitter followers starting today, and it won’t cost you ONE CENT. That’s right. Free! You can have all the glory and benefits of more Twitter Followers (and followers=power, right?) without having to pay someone else, and without having to surrender your login and password to a third party source (who will then just spam all your existing followers with links to their site anyway). Are you ready?
Just be ready to follow these steps!
Get out your pen, your paper, and shut off the cell phone. You DO NOT want to be interrupted while I tell YOU (and don’t share this with your friends) how to get more Twitter followers TODAY!

Get More Twitter Followers TODAY

  1. Find great stories from other people and share them with a link (and/or attribution). Do this 3 times or more a day!
  2. Share useful information that others can use, too! example: “I’ve discovered that Blip.fm is very useful for sharing my musical interests.” (Bonus points if you provide the URL).
  3. Participate in online events that use #hashtags, because others in the event will find you and appreciate you, too!
  4. Respond to OTHER PEOPLE using the @reply method. This is advanced, so here’s an example: “@glendawh – Is it true you were out all night last night singing karaoke?”
  5. Use Twitter Search (http://search.twitter.com) to find people talking about the things YOU talk about, and follow them!
  6. Add your Twitter URL to your signature line in your email! (Easy to do!)
  7. Don’t overtweet (more than 20 a day is a bit spooky to most people).
  8. Don’t talk about your food (unless you’re me!)
  9. Don’t use Twitter like IM (use direct messages for that)
  10. Don’t tweet all about you: tweet all about them.
  11. And never, ever, ever invite your friends to be part of your Ninja dojo (unless you’re @cspenn), your mafia family (unless you’re @jgottinotdead), or to participate in a “what type of piercing am I?” quiz.

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